Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Karen Igho did her boob job for health reasons

We should not be too quick to judge others when we haven’t heard the reason behind their actions. I felt really bad when I finally got to how Karen really feels about her boobs. The fact is that she misses her real boobs and would never have had silicone implants if not for the lump that was found in her breast when she was at a very tender age.

“I got these implants at a very young age. There was a reason for it. I had lumps. I had to take the lumps out. The doctor told me the lumps might come back again. I had to ask him what we should do. I asked him if the lumps would come back if I put silicone. And my breast had become flatter after they removed the lumps. I think he said it would remove the risk and I would have my nice breast back again,” She lamented

Unlike some celebs that perform breast surgery for fun and attention, Karen Igho did hers for health reasons and for that I salute her courage.

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